Cyber charter schools are public, tuition-free schools open to all students. Cyber charter schools specialize in virtual education and deliver instruction over the internet. These schools serve all kinds of students, but especially those with aptitude for independent learning and those with special needs.
If your children are younger (generally kindergarten to the fourth grade), you can expect to be heavily involved in your child’s cyber education. The early years require parents to play a more active role. Of course, the independence of each student will vary. Students with lengthy experience in the cyber school system may have the discipline required fully developed by their later years, but for other students, this may be a new concept and require greater parental involvement.

How to Earn College Credit in High School
Earning college credit during high school is a great opportunity. The added coursework can be an exciting challenge and helps prepare students for college-level academics. And from a financial perspective, if successful, your student’s efforts can even help to reduce the total cost of post-secondary education. So, how can you…